COVID 19 pandemic gorilla trekking




COVID 19 pandemic gorilla trekking

Covid 19 pandemic gorilla trekking : The infestation of the COVID 19 brought the whole world into a period of ramble and tumble where all the economic fell into a Punic for survival and how everything can easily move on. The developed world always got its way around obstacles, contrary, the developing world fell in great pit of the pandemic as all airports and transport systems where put under a lockdown. The tourism industry has seen darkness in the COVID 19 pandemic era; however, there is always hope for travel especially now that the world is getting back to stabilization. The COVID 19 pandemic has separated the whole world into two batches of people; the vaccinated and the ones who are not vaccinated. However the requirements to travel to Uganda vary basing on each batch you belong. The travel situation due to the COVID 19 pandemic is not that easy as it was before the apocalypse, and this has raised a number of doubts about gorilla trekking in Uganda and other safaris around the world.

The world seems to be shifting further away from the normal due to the COVID 19 effect on the world travel and tourism industry. Despite of the forth projected darkness in the world due to the disrupted normal, there is a silver lining for travellers in the world and you can enjoy your gorilla trekking during this pandemic, following the right procedures. Gorilla trekking during the COVID 19 pandemics is still being conducted in the Virunga conservation area, designated for the protection of the endangered mountain gorillas which inhabit the forest of south western Uganda in Bwindi impenetrable and Mgahinga National Parks, virunga national park in eastern Congo, and volcanoes national park in Rwanda. The Virunga conservation area is the only destination in the world for the mountain gorillas. The area harbors hundreds of gorillas in the mentioned national parks of East and Central Africa. The requirements of gorilla trekking in the whole world don’t vary so much; however, still something changes according to the different government policies in the three countries of the democratic republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda.

COVID 19 gorilla trekking in Uganda

Uganda is the best destinations in the whole world for the most exhilarating mountain gorilla trekking in Africa. Regardless of the size of Uganda, and its land locked situation, Uganda receives a good number of travellers coming to enjoy seeing the endangered mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park in the south western region. Also the size of Uganda does not matter here because it harbors almost half of the whole world’s mountain gorilla population.

Due to the infestation of COVID 19, Uganda was forced by the wavering pandemic, to close down all the national parks and the international airport; and no travels where allowed inside and outside Uganda for any tourism business. However after a long time of lock down, in 2020, the boarders and all the national parks in Uganda where reopened in October, and now the hope is alive for you to enjoy mountain gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Requirements for COVID19 gorilla trekking

For long, the most paramount requirement for gorilla trekking has been the gorilla trekking permit, and this has not changed still. The mountain gorilla trekking permits are sold by the Uganda wildlife authority (UWA) to only the eligible travellers. The Uganda gorilla trekking permits are given to all travellers above the age of 15year, and with the ability to pay for the permit fee.

All foreign travellers are obliged to pay a fee of 700USD for the mountain gorilla trekking permit in Uganda, 600USD for the foreign residents in Uganda, and ugx250000 for all the members of the east African community. People below the age of 15yrs are not allowed to join in the mountain gorilla trekking activity in Uganda, however they can enjoy other primate safari activities like chimpanzee trekking and watching monkeys among others.

For now, the situation is tough and a gorilla trekking permit cannot be just enough for COVID 19 gorilla trekking experience in Uganda. The government bodies of Uganda came together, following the international standard, and formulated a few standard operating procedures for travellers during the COVID 19 pandemic. The SOPs are put in place in order to ensure the safety of all visitors and the local people near the destination, not forgetting the mountain gorillas themselves;

  • For anybody to be allowed to trek the mountain gorillas in Uganda you need to have a face mask, most preferably N95 or one of the clinical masks or surgical masks, which should be worn all the time.
  • Body temperature examination, this is a must when entering any protected area in Uganda, and perhaps the whole world, and before trekking for the mountain gorillas in Uganda. The normal and acceptable body temperature should be below 37.5 degrees.
  • Extra face musk, the tour operator will provide face masks but you can also carry extra face masks and a hand sanitizer, for safety reasons.
  • Also the social distance is very much emphasized for all visitors in Uganda for mountain gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable and Mgahinga National Park.

Current COVID 19 travel restrictions

  • The Ugandan borders are open to all the foreigners coming into the country for tourism such as mountain gorilla trekking. However, citizens from COVID 19 torn countries are not allowed to come into Uganda, especially the travellers from India.
  • All the foreign travelled from countries with COVID variant strains are not allowed into Uganda, unless with a negative PCR test certificate. The citizens from such countries like turkey, South Africa and Brazil must do another PCR test upon reaching Entebbe international airport,
  • On a contrary, the vaccinated travellers are not allowed to carry their PCR test certificate, however they can carry the vaccine card for verification purposes. For all the others travelling to Uganda for mountain gorilla trekking, you must present a valid PCR test certificate of not more than 120hours, upon arrival at Entebbe international airport in Uganda.

Where COVID19 tests are taken in Uganda?

This is all taken care of it you book with us for your gorilla trekking in Uganda during the COVID 19 pandemic era.  It is the duty of the tour operator to direct you to the COVID 19 testing centers at the airport in Entebbe, or anywhere according to your actual location in Uganda. You can always receive your COVID 19 test results via email, this saves you the hustle of travelling back and to the laboratory to pick the COVID 19 test results. You should always remember to take your tests in the accredited laboratories by the Ministry of Health in Uganda.

You should always keep in mind that COVID 19 is real and present in almost all places in the world. Therefore, always take self-care precautions, and follow the SOPs as stipulated by the management of different national parks in Uganda including Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. For more information, you can contact us via email; the supporting team is always available to assist you in any way possible. Do not hesitate to travel now, book for you gorilla trekking permit now, and make the travel happen soon with our help.

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