Gorilla trekking now in Uganda & Rwanda





Gorilla trekking now in Uganda & Rwanda

Gorilla trekking now in Uganda & Rwanda : Gorilla trekking is a famous term used by almost all the travellers to East Africa, even to the potential travellers who wish to get involved with the big primates of the world; the mountain gorillas. Gorilla trekking is mainly known for the East African countries of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Fact is, this part of the world harbors the largest population of the endangered mountain gorillas in the whole world; the biggest percentage of the population being in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. However, you can also find some mountain gorillas in other places around the world, like the low land gorillas found in central Africa, and a few scattered in the animal sanctuaries and zoos in the world. There is no doubt, mountain gorilla trekking is one of the most entertaining tourist activities in the East Africa. Most of the travellers and tourists to Africa come mainly for the primate safaris. This includes mountain gorilla trekking in the mountains of East Africa; Bwindi, Mgahinga, Volcanoes, and Virunga.  They are called mountain gorillas because of their way of life; they live in the mountain areas only and they only tend to come down when it is very cold during the rain seasons of East Africa.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park found in the South western region of Uganda is one of the tourist stop centers for mountain gorilla trekking in the whole world. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a big part on the vast Virunga conservation area which of East Africa, which also covers parts of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Virunga National Park in Democratic Republic of Congo, Mgahinga National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, itself, in Uganda. Bwindi impenetrable is a safe haven to over 450 endangered mountain gorillas in the world. The population of the mountain gorilla in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda, is estimated to be like half of the total population of mountain gorillas in the whole world. The group of mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is scattered among families; the biggest family is found in buhoma sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This fact makes Bwindi Impenetrable National Park famous among travelers in whole the world.

What is gorilla trekking?

To the best of knowledge, mountain gorilla trekking is such a thrilling activity for all the travellers that visit Uganda. Mountain gorilla trekking involves watching the mountain gorillas in their natural habitats; this is always the thing, and aspiration for most travellers to Uganda, when asked. Mountain gorilla trekking takes you around the mountainous terrain of Bwindi Impenetrable forest in Uganda, Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda, and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Gorilla trekking involves hiking short and long distances looking for the gorilla family intended to be visited.

The time taken to watch the visited mountain gorilla family is such a reward to life, because, you get to learn a lot about the life styles of the primates in this area virunga ranges. The most interesting is how you can relate the mountain gorilla way of living to that of humans, for example, copulation, the feeding habits and communication among others.

Best destination for mountain gorilla trekking

There is a good number of places you can go to visit the mountain gorillas in Africa; central Africa and East Africa. It is easy also to find the low land gorillas in other parts of the world being kept in cages and circus wagons. However, the mountain gorillas are rare and endangered which makes them special and unique. The mountain gorillas are found in a number of national parks in East Africa such as, Virunga National Park in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Mgahinga and Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks in Uganda.

Uganda is the best destination for mountain gorilla trekking activity. This is attributed to the big mountain gorilla population Uganda protects in its western highlands. Uganda has two mountain gorilla trekking destinations which can be combined to make the best gorilla trekking package; these include Mgahinga National Park, and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Both, these destinations are part of the great virunga mountain ranges which makes up the virunga conservation area.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has about 450 gorillas living in about 20 gorilla families scattered in the mountains. Mgahinga on the other hand, harbors about 80 gorillas in Nyakagyezi family found in the area. The other mountain gorillas are found in Rwanda, eastern part of Rwanda. Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda, harbors about 10 families of mountain gorilla. The rest of the mountain gorillas are found in Virunga National Park of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Why gorilla trekking now?

As tourism continues to awaken from the long pandemic slumber, a lot of travellers wish to travel and many still are planning their safaris to tourist destinations of the world including Uganda. Uganda is the best destination for primate safaris including mountain gorilla trekking. If at all you have not realized where to travel to now, you can take a fortune to visit the mountain gorillas in Uganda and this is why you should do it now. The gorillas rank among the most endangered animals in the world and according to the records, the population is still deteriorating. To support the conservation of the mountain gorilla population in the world, perhaps, this is the time for you to consider visiting Uganda for mountain gorilla trekking now.

In Uganda, seasons don’t matter; you can see you mountain gorillas any time throughout the year. With enough choses, you can decide your best mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda now and have you safari experience elevated now. Taking this to be a holiday, mountain gorilla trekking in Uganda gets better. You can spend more time with the mountain gorillas during the holidays. This is made possible by the few tourists in the national parks during holiday season. And now, travel has been weakened by the corona virus pandemic, however, with the good measures put to curb the pandemic, you can travel to Uganda and enjoy gorilla trekking. You can always talk with us for the best planning of your travel to Uganda for mountain gorilla trekking now.  We have put in place the most effective SOPs to help curb the spread if corona virus, and we are entitled to all travellers’ safety during this pandemic era. Travel now to avoid regrets later. Follow your heart to the Pearl of Africa, with Ssemambo Tours and Travel.

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