Kisiizi Waterfalls Adventure





Kisiizi Waterfalls Adventure

Kisiizi Waterfalls Adventure : lies on Kyabamba River a few meters from Kisiizi Hospital in Rukungiri district which borders with Kabale in Western Uganda. The waterfalls are approximately 30 meters high on the Rushoma River that pours its water into Lake Edward. This pretty waterfall has a gory history whereby pregnant unmarried Bakiga girls were punished to death. This practice was discontinued and what had been a place of despair became a place of hope and healing as the Church of Uganda established Kisiizi Hospital in 1958. You can visit these falls while on your longer Uganda safaris like the gorilla safaris, wildlife safaris, birding tours and cultural experiences.

Cultural history of Kisiizi falls

According to the older people living in this area, these falls are believed to have contributed to the good morals of the unmarried Bakiga girls in the area and some from a far off. When a girl got pregnant out of wedlock, the father and brother would escort her to the top of these falls and release her to fall off the cliff where she would meet her death. This was done to scare off other girls from engaging in premarital sex that often lead to pregnancy hence ensuring girls stayed virgins until marriage.

It is alleged that what brought this practice to an end was an incidence where a young lady pregnant before marriage was brought to the top of the cliff to be pushed down the water falls as always. Little did they know she had a plan, when the brother and father pushed her as was the practice she held unto them and the three fell to their death. With the death of two men, the practice was stopped because they realized more girls would pull their brothers and or fathers down the same path.

Activities done around Kisiizi falls

Bird watching at Kisiizi falls

Because of the ever present water and trees in the area, there are numerous birds one can locate in the area. These birds use the area for breeding while others enjoy the presence of food. Some of the birds seen in this area include; Scarlet Chested Sunbird, African Black Headed Oriole, Haddad Ibis, Black Kite, African Firefinch, African Harrier Hawk, African Paradise Fly-catcher, African Pied Wagtail, African Pygmy Kingfisher, Nubian Woodpecker, Augur Buzzard, Black Headed Weaver, Black-winged Red Bishop, Ross’s Turaco, Bronze Mannequin, Double Toothed Barbet, Emerald-spotted Wood-dove, Grey Crowned Crane, Grey Heron, Speckled Mousebird, Hammerkop, Lesser Striped Swallow, Yellow Mottled Widow birds, Long Crested Eagle, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Malachite Kingfisher, Pied Crow, Purple-breasted Sunbird, Ring Necked Dove, Willow Warbler,  Rufus Chested Swallow, White Browed Robin Chat, Yellow-backed Weaver, Yellow-billed stork,

Forest walks at Kisiizi falls

There is a small forest surrounding Kisiizi falls whereby one can take a picnic in the area and take a short forest hike for beautiful views of the Kigezi hills and valleys. One of the good views is hiking up the Kisiizi falls and watching them from the top and the surrounding area.

Community experiences around Kisiizi falls

Kisiizi is occupied by the Bakiga tribe of Uganda and while in this place you have an opportunity to visit a local family and learn more about their daily lives. Visit their gardens with them and learn about the farming methods thereby harvesting food and getting involved in preparing a local dish which you will also partake of. While in their homes, you will hear stories of the local traditions and how these have changed over the years and the place of Kisiizi hospital in the area.

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