Entebbe City Tour Adventure

Entebbe City Tour Adventure:  the city is in Central Uganda located on Lake Victoria peninsular, a few metres north of the Equator. It is also approximately 40km south of modern capital Kampala in Wakiso district. It was capital of Uganda during the colonial era and became a British colonial administrative and commercial center in 1893. Sir Gerald Portal used it as a base and it was once the seat of government for the Protectorate of Uganda prior to independence in 1962. Entebbe was named Entebbe International Airport in 1951, Uganda’s largest commercial and military airport.

It was also known for the dramatic rescue of 100 hostages kidnapped by the militant group of the Revolutionary cell’s organizations. In addition, its the location of the State House, the official office and residence of the president of Uganda. In 1913, Sir Frederick Treves described Entebbe as “the prettiest and most charming town of the lake”. The word came from Luganda language “entebe” meaning “chair or seat”. Initially, Entebbe was a cultural site for the Mamba clan deriving the Luganda phrase ‘Entebe za Mugala’. Literally meaning the ‘Headquarters’ where the Baganda chief sat to adjudicate legal cases.


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