The Baker’s Fort (Fort Patiko)





The Baker’s Fort (Fort Patiko)

The Baker’s Fort (Fort Patiko) : also referred to as Fort Baker was a military fort built by Samuel Baker in Patiko, Uganda (It’s a piece of the 19th – century history that was built by Sir Samuel Baker as a military Fort in order to stop slave trade). The ruins of the fort remain in Ajulu parish, Patiko sub-county, Aswa County, Gulu district in Uganda. The stone structure around the fort symbolizes Sir Samuel Baker’s exceptional effort against ending slavery in the area and the Fort construction was finally completed in the year 1872. The Egyptian Arabs came across Ocecu Hill as they looked for convenient trading venue and built huts to aid as stores for valuables like ivory, foods as well as ammunition. Ocecu Hill later became the main place for trading slaves. In 1864, Sir Samuel Baker and his wife Florence Baker encountered Patiko during their search for treasures that was mentioned by John Speke. They both travelled through Patiko before discovering Murchison falls and Lake Albert. Sir Samuel Baker and his wife departed in 1888, the Fort was used by Charles Gordon and Emin Pasha while they served as Governor of the Equatorial province of the British Uganda protectorate

Today, Fort Patiko holds a strong historical importance hence a significant place for tourist attraction. The slaves who couldn’t make along journey to the main slavery market in Egypt were beheaded in this spot. Therefore, in the fort, there are dark marks believed to be blood splatters of slaves which are still very visible on the rocks. The unpleasant background of Baker’s fort has been erased by its natural and attractive scenery and offers chances of worth a visit for tourists. Listening to this story at Fort Patiko is amazing and your mind runs back to the slave days. Around the compound are axe slices which were used to behead the slaves during the execution, lucky men who stayed were forced to dig more caves for accommodations out of rocks while women were forced to grind tones of millet till their hands bled. The site is open to the public subject to a fee levied by the sub county.

What to see and do in Baker’s Fort (Fort Patiko)

Hill Climbing

There are a number of isolated hills in the district that offers opportunity for hill climbing. These are: Kailak, Ato, Patiko and Moro hills gives you beautiful views of the surrounding landscape.

Colobus Monkeys in Atiak

A large concentration of colobus monkeys exists in the Atiak forest reserve near the Albert Nile. The fairly rare mammals, wide variety of bird species and the Savannah short forest canopies combine to give a potential attraction that may be enhanced by tourist trails and camping.

Cultural Performances and Antiquities

The Acholi dance and antiquities have not yet been fully developed to tap the potential benefits from tourism. There are plans by the local authorities to establish a cultural centre in Gulu town for crafts, souvenirs and cultural ornaments and regalia.

Other attractions near Fort Patiko

Guru Guru Caves

The caves are located about 25 kilometers north of Gulu town- which was later identified in 2020 as a city in Northern Uganda. They are said to have been used as safe haven during the Lamogi rebellion and historical inter-clan wars among the Lou. The Guru Guru caves offer opportunity for further diversification of tourism products when developed. Therefore if you are traveling to Gulu for any purpose, make a stop at these Caves and discover the hidden secrets behind their existence.

Amoro Hot spring

The Hot spring is located about 35 kilometers from Gulu City, in Paga parish, Amoro sub-county, Kilak County. The hot spring covers an area of about 100 square meters and is the largest found in northern Uganda. Although undeveloped, the hot spring has a lot of potential for tourism exploitation. The surrounding landscape is suitable for developing campsites and excursion grounds.

Tochi Resort Beach

Located about 20 kilometers south of Gulu City, Tochi beach is a low lying sandy bank of River Tochi. The beach has potential for development into an important tourist attraction for excursions, camping and bandas.

How to Fort Patiko/Baker’s Fort

Fort Patiko lies on Ocecu hill about 29 kilometres north of Gulu City at Nimule nearing Sudan and Egypt. Fort Patiko is about 50 minutes ride on motorcycle (boda) from Gulu town.


Unfortunately, there is neither accommodation nor hospitality facilities like restaurants around the fort. However, Budget and luxurious accommodation facilities are found in Gulu District for tourists to choose where to spend the night. Tourists are advised to bring their requirements such as food, airtime. 

Book a Uganda safari trip with us today and visit Fort Patiko. Learn more about the hardships of the local people and appreciate panoramic views of the nearby villages and nature. We shall draft you an itinerary then assign for knowledgeable tour guide to take you through the whole journey and airing to you the uncovered history plus other attractions in Gulu.

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