Nyungwe Forest National park

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Nyungwe Forest National Park :  is one of the oldest rain forests in Africa as well as rich in biodiversity and spectacularly beautiful. The mountainous region is teaming with wildlife, including a small population of chimpanzees as well as 12 other species of primate. Primate tracking tops most visitor’s list, and it’s worth lingering a little longer for those with time to relax and take in the primal atmosphere.

Bird watching is also among the best activity with over 322 bird species including Red-collared babbler and 29 other Albertine Rift endemic species. Besides, there are over 75  mammals in this park, such as the serval cat, mongoose, Congo clawless otter, leopard, etc.  Memorable and photogenic moments include walking up to the Isumo waterfall or along the Canopy walk suspension bridge. Tea plantation border the edges of the park, with a habituated troop of Ruwenzori colobus monkeys at Gisakura as well as forest fringe birds. 

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