Kidepo Valley National park

Kidepo Valley National Park: lies in the rugged, semi-arid valleys between Uganda’s borders with Sudan and Kenya. Actually, this park has a profusion of big game and hosts over 77 mammal. As a matter of fact, its the only park in Uganda that hosts the cheetahs,  aardwolf, caracal, black backed jackal and the bat eared fox. In addition, it hosts over 475 bird species making it second to Queen Elizabeth National Park as the best place to do bird watching. Kidepo is Uganda’s most isolated park, however, ranks among Africa’s finest wildernesses. During the dry season, the only permanent water in the park is found in wetlands and remnant pools in the broad Narus Valley near Apoka. As a result, the seasonal oases, combined with the open, savannah terrain, makes the Narus Valley the park’s prime game viewing location.