Kibale forest national Park


Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale National Park: contains one of the loveliest and most varied tracts of tropical forest in Uganda. Forest cover, interspersed with patches of grassland and swamp, dominates the northern and central parts of the park on an elevated plateau and the park is famously known for chimpanzee tracking. The park is also a home to a total of 70 mammal species, most famously 13 species of primate including the chimpanzee. It also contains over 375 bird species, Kibale adjoins Queen Elizabeth National Park to the south to create a 180km-long corridor for wildlife between Ishasha, the remote southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Sebitoli in the north of Kibale National Park. The Kibale-Fort Portal area is one of Uganda’s most rewarding destinations to explore. The park lies close to the tranquil Ndali-Kasenda crater area and within half a day’s drive of the Queen Elizabeth, Rwenzori Mountains and Semliki National Parks, as well as the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve.

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What to do in Kibale Forest National Park

Chimpanzee tracking

After Bwindi Impenetrable Forest it is the favorite Primate Park to visit in Uganda and what makes Kibale Forest even more popular are the added plus items that one can do and see on a chimpanzee trekking or habitation experience safaris to the park. 

Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary

Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary is simply a swamp in the tropical jungle, filled with natural wonders that have amazed and delights thousands each year as they trek through this Jungle Swamp. Primates including chimpanzees in the afternoon, birds including the large Blue Turaco.

Hiking and Nature walks

There are plenty of day-hikes in or near the park for you to enjoy the various aspects of the Kibale Forest and the surrounding area.

Nature walks and hikes abound in, near and around Kibale Forest National Park in Uganda.  There is even a hike that traverses the length of the park where each night you sleep in a different area outside of the park.

Cave experience

The Amabere caves  just a short drive are a combination of legends and nature you will hear the stories of old and see nature at work as you are guided on the hike to the caves and the waterfall.

 Visit this amazing cave for its beauty, natural wonder and cultural legends. It is located not too far from Kibale Forest and is a most welcomed addition to the other places in, near, or around Kibale Forest Park.

The Nakayima Witch’s Tree

This is a cultural and traditional worship site that you can visit on the way to Kibale from Kampala or from Kibale to Kampala. Commonly called the Witch’s Tree it is on top of a hill with great views, it is used by Ugandans who come and appeal to the spirits in the case of illness, infertility, diseases and relationships.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Accommodation” tab_id=”1586557847824-ccd631d2-7c60″][vc_column_text]Accommodation

The park has got a lot of lodges, camps & hotels for accommodation ranging from luxury, budget and mid-range and these are available both inside and outside the park. You can book your accommodation through our company and early bookings are advised.


  • Ndali lodge
  • Primate lodge
  • Kyaninga lodge


  • Chimps nest
  • Chimpanzee forest guest house
  • Kibale forest camp
  • Mountains of the moon hotel


  • Rweteera safari park
  • Nyinabulitwa Country resort & safari camp
  • Lake Nkuruba Nature Reserve & Community Campsite

[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Getting there” tab_id=”1586557856768-5f1ed48a-07f2″][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Uganda safaris” tab_id=”1586557860143-a263beb2-a629″][vc_column_text]

Below are some of our short and long safari packages to different Ugandan parks and other attractive places.

1 Days Uganda gorilla trekking in Bwindi

2 Days Jinja city adventure

2 Days Lake Mburo safari

3 Days Murchison falls safari

3 Days Uganda gorilla trekking safari

3 Days Queen Elizabeth National Park

3 Days Sese Island tour

3 Days Semuliki National Park safari

3 Days Kibale Chimpanzee tracking safari

3 Days Ngamba Island chimpanzee tour

3 Days Lake Bunyonyi safari

4 Days chimpanzee and wildlife safari

4 Days Kidepo valley park safari

4 Days Uganda gorilla and chimpanzee safari

5 Days Uganda gorilla and wildlife safari

6 Days Uganda gorilla and wildlife safari

6 Days Queen Elizabeth-Bwindi and Lake Mburo park safari

7 Days Uganda primates and wildlife safari

7 Days Pearl of Africa

7 Days Uganda holiday adventure

8 Days Uganda gorilla chimpanzee and wildlife safari

9 Days Uganda chimpanzee gorillas and adventure safari

10 Days Uganda safari

10 Days Rwenzori hiking adventure

11 Days gorillas, chimpanzee and wildlife safari

12 Days Uganda primates and wildlife safari

15 Days Uganda adventure and wildlife safari

16 Days Uganda primates and wildlife safari

17 Days Uganda gorillas and wildlife safari

18 Days Uganda gorilla, chimpanzee and adventure safari

19 Days Uganda safari

21 Days Uganda safari[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”1280″ img_size=”1000×200″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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